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When pitching Investors, prove that you have a target market. Validate it historically (i.e., the evolution of the niche industry) and a through bottom-up or top-down logic. Show that there is traction for your solution and that there is room for growth. If you are creating a new market, that is even better. Frame, in a smart way, what you want your investors to think. When it comes to market numbers, big is better. In some cases, “units sold” will speak clearer than “$” to an audience unfamiliar with the market. Include here a breakdown of your market into different segments that you are targeting (for instance, B2B vs B2C). Think BIG. Investors want to see that your solution is addressing a multibillion Service Obtainable Market (SOM), ideally. It does not look appealing to investors when the SOM is around 1-10 million, due to limited upscaling potential.

Typical Questions: How large is their addressable market? What are the trends (e.g., What is the CAGR)? How did Covid19 impact customers’ behaviour? Are they able to penetrate the market they identified?